
We are recruiting NEW SHAPERS to join our team!

4 hours ago

Global Shapers Community Ulaanbaatar Hub hosted its annual "Shapeathon", an event wherein all shapers decide which projects the hub will be working on for the coming year.

Motivated by the energy for action at the Shapeathon, we have ongoing 12 projects and each shaper gave a demo of their solution based on Global Shapers Community Headquarter’s impact areas on the following:

The Global Shapers Community Ulaanbaatar Hub is proud to announce that we are entering into a partnership with the Embassy of Canada to Mongolia as our "A.W.A.R.E (About Women’s & Adolescent’s Reproductive Empowerment)" project has been selected as one of this year’s Canada Fund for Local Initiatives projects (CFLI).

The Global Shapers Community Ulaanbaatar Hub is proud to announce that we are entering into a partnership with the Embassy of Canada to Mongolia as our "A.W.A.R.E (About Women’s & Adolescent’s Reproductive Empowerment)" project has been selected as one of this year’s Canada Fund for Local Initiatives projects (CFLI).

The Global Shapers Community Ulaanbaatar Hub is proud to announce that we are entering into a partnership with the Embassy of Canada to Mongolia as our "A.W.A.R.E (About Women’s & Adolescent’s Reproductive Empowerment)" project has been selected as one of this year’s Canada Fund for Local Initiatives projects (CFLI).